Departamento de

El Departamento de Ingeniería surge en 2019 de la integración de departamentos y unidades académicas que ya venían desarrollando actividades en la UCU en las áreas de ambiental, alimentos, electrónica e industrial.   

Su misión es la de contribuir al desarrollo de la investigación fundamental en ingeniería y a su aplicación a la industria nacional.   

Dentro del departamento se llevan adelante las siguientes líneas de investigación: aprovechamiento de subproductos y desarrollo de alimentos; alimentos funcionales; evaluación sensorial; microelectrónica; procesamiento de señales; control; ingeniería biomédica; ciencia de materiales; tecnologías de tratamiento y modelado de aguas industriales; censado remoto para monitoreo ambiental; cambio climático y ciudades inteligentes. Estas líneas de investigación desarrollan tanto proyectos de investigación fundamental como proyectos aplicados en colaboración con la industria. Para estas actividades el departamento ha obtenido fondos en convocatorias nacionales e internacionales.   

Los integrantes del departamento se caracterizan por su compromiso con la investigación y la producción de conocimiento, la docencia de calidad que integre los avances de la investigación y la fuerte vocación por el trabajo en conjunto con la industria. Este buen balance entre investigación, docencia y trabajo con la industria es un aporte del Departamento de Ingeniería al desarrollo nacional.



Silvarrey A. , Pardo, Á., Faggian, R., & Sposito, V. (2021). Monitoring cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms by unmanned aerial vehicles in aquatic ecosystems. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology. 

Curutchet, A., Trias, J., Tarrega, A., Arcia, P. (2021). Consumer response to cake with apple pomace as a sustainable source of fibre. Foods, 10(3), 499. 

Casco, M.E.; Grätz, S.; Wallacher, D.; Grimm, N.; Többens, D.M.; Bilo, M.; Speil, N.; Fröba, M.; Borchardt, L. (2021). Influence of Surface Wettability on Methane Hydrate Formation in Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Mesoporous Silicas.  Chemical Engineering Journal. 405, 126955.   

Bentancur, S., López-Vázquez, C. M., García, H. A., Duarte, M., Travers, D., & Brdjanovic, D. (2021). Modelling of a pulp mill wastewater treatment plant for improving its performance on phosphorus removal. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 146, 208–219.  

Suarez, A., Ferreira E., Garcia Pintos, B., Arocena, S., & Suarez, H., (2021) Postural control characterization according to age and auditory input in cochlear implant users, Cochlear Implants International, 22:1, 29-34, DOI: 10.1080/14670100.2020.1813996


Mariscal, D. M., Iturralde, P., Torres-Oviedo G. (2020). Altering attention to split-belt walking increases the generalization of motor memories across walking contexts. Journal of Neurophysiology 123, 1838-1848. 

Iturralde P., de Kam, D., Torres-Oviedo G. (2020). Cerebral contribution to the execution, but not recalibration, of motor commands in a novel walking environment. eNeuro 7 (1)  

Trias, J., Curutchet, A., Arcia, P., Cozzano, S. (2020). Revalorización del descarte originado por la producción de jugo de manzana como ingrediente funcional en la formulación de premezclas para horneados. INNOTEC, 21 (pp.52-67).

Deleón, R., Vicente, G., Zoppolo, R., Arnaud, A., Miguez, M. (2020). LIDAR Based, Tree Row Volume Estimation for Phytosanitary Products Reduction in Fruit Trees Orchards 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1-4

Alvarez, E., Arnaud, A., Gak, J., Miguez, M. (2020). Nano–power-integrated precision rectifiers for implantable medical devices. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications.

García-Ramírez, R., Chacon-Rodríguez, A., Molina-Robles, R., Castro-González, R., Solera-Bolanos, E., Madrigal-Boza, G., Oviedo-Hernández, M., Salazar-Sibaja, D., Sánchez-Jiménez, D., Fonseca-Rodríguez, M., Arrieta-Solorzano, J., Rimolo-Donadio, R., Arnaud, A., Miguez, M., Gak, J. (2020). Siwa: A custom RISC-V based system on chip (SOC) for low power medical applications, Microelectronics Journal, Volume 98.

Torres, F., Gak, J., Arnaud, A., Miguez, M. (2020). An Integrated 350V Dimmer. 2020 Argentine Conference on Electronics (CAE), 93-98 

Costa, D., Miguez, M., Gak, J., Torres, F., Arnaud, A. (2020). A Self-biased Current Source, using an Asymmetric Bulk-modified MOS Composite Transistor. 2020 Argentine Conference on Electronics (CAE), 82-86

Agis, L., Hardy, D., Nakasone, K., Arnaud, A., Gak, J., Miguez, M., Garcia-Ramirez, R., Chacon-Rodriguez, A., Rimolo-Donadio, R. (2020). Integrated Programmable Current Source for Implantable Medical Devices. 2020 IEEE 11th Latin American Symposium on Circuits & Systems (LASCAS).

García-Ramírez, R., Chacon-Rodríguez, A., Castro-González, R., Arnaud, A., Miguez, M., Gak, J., Molina-Robles, R., Madrigal-Boza, G., Oviedo-Hernández, M., Solera-Bolanos, E., Salazar-Sibaja, D., D., Sánchez-Jiménez, D., Fonseca-Rodríguez, M., Arrieta-Solorzano, J., Rimolo-Donadio, R. (2020). Siwa: a RISC-V RV32I based Micro-Controller for Implantable Medical Applications. 2020 IEEE 11th Latin American Symposium on Circuits & Systems (LASCAS).

Arnaud, A., Miguez, M., Gak, J., Puyol, R., García-Ramírez, R., Solera-Bolanos, E., Castro-González, R., Molina-Robles, R., Chacon-Rodríguez, A., Rimolo-Donadio, R. (2020). A RISC-V based medical implantable SoC for high voltage and current tissue stimulus. 2020 IEEE 11th Latin American Symposium on Circuits & Systems (LASCAS).

Arnaud, A., Miguez, M. (2020). Stacking Multiple Differential Pairs for a NEF< 1 Amplifier aimed at Electroneurographic Signal Recording. 2020 IEEE 11th Latin American Symposium on Circuits & Systems (LASCAS).

Arnaud, A., Costa, G. (2020). Ultra low-cost sensors using RFID standards for data collection, for IoT systems in food production and logistics. 2020 IEEE 11th Latin American Symposium on Circuits & Systems (LASCAS).

Molina-Robles, R., Solera-Bolanos, E., García-Ramírez, R., Chacón-Rodríguez, A., Arnaud, A., Rimolo-Donadio, R., A compact functional verification flow for a RISC-V 32I based core. 2020 IEEE 3rd Conference on PhD Research in Microelectronics and Electronics in Latin America (PRIME-LA)

Chiossi, M., Miguez, M. (2020). Low-power activity recognition from triaxial accelerometer data. 2020 IEEE 3rd Conference on PhD Research in Microelectronics and Electronics in Latin America (PRIME-LA)

Casco, M.E.; Krupp, F.; Grätz, S.; Schwenger, A.; Damakoudi, V.; Richert, C.; Frey, W.; Borchardt, L. (2020). Non-Porous Organic Crystals and their Interaction with Guest Molecules from the Gas Phase. Adsorption. 26, 1323-1333

Giambiagi, P.; Bentancur, S.; Cuña, A.; Casco, M.E. Adsorption of Ethidium Bromide from Aqueous and Whey Solutions by Activated Carbon and Natural Pumice Stone. 13th Brazilian Meeting on Adsorption (EBA13,2020 digital).

Bentancur, S., López-Vázquez, C. M., García, H., Duarte, M., Travers, D., & Brdjanovic, D. (2020). Resource recovery assessment at a pulp mill wastewater treatment plant in Uruguay. Journal of Environmental Management, 255 (November 2019).

Hernandez-Martinez, E., González-Sierra, J., Álvarez-Guzmán, E., Fernandez-Anaya, G., Ferreira-Vazquez, E., & Flores-Godoy, J. (2020). Leader-Follower Coverage based on Power Transmission and Heading Angles. In 2020 IEEE 63rd International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS) (pp. 369–372). 

Peña, N.,  Peveroni, S., Vázquez, M., Jorajuría, E., Suarez, H., Ferreira, E. & Adam Rozumalski (2020). A New Approach to Assess Femoral Anteversion from Clinical Gait Analysis Data. In 2020 SABI Conference, Piriapolis, Uruguay. 

Peveroni, S., Vázquez, M., Peña, N., Jorajuría, E., Suarez, H., & Ferreira, E. (2020). Kinematic and EMG analysis of the stretch response of rectus femoris in pendulum test. Revista Argentina de Bioingeniería, 24(4), 45–49.



Iturralde P., Torres-Oviedo G. (2019). Corrective Muscle Activity Reveals Subject-Specific Sensorimotor Recalibration. eNeuro 6 (2) 

Gutiérrez Barrutia, M.B., Curutchet, A., Arcia, P., Cozzano, S. (2019). New functional ingredient from orange juice by product through a green extraction method. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2019, 43(5), (pp. 644-651)

Torres, A., Lebed, M., Arcia, P., Curutchet, A., Cozzano, S. (2019). De residuo industrial a ingrediente funcional: el potencial de la cáscara de granada. INNOTEC, 19 (pp.76-96).

Curutchet, A, Cozzano, S, Tarrega, A., Arcia, P. (2019) Blueberry pomace as a source of antioxidant fibre in cookies: Consumer´s expectations and critical attributes for developing a new product. Food Science and Technology International. 25,8 (pp.642-648).

Moreno, J., Cozzano, S., Perez, A.M., Arcia, P. Curutchet,A., (2019). Coffee Pulp Waste as a Functional Ingredient: Effect on Salty Cookies Quality.  Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 7,9 (pp.632-638).

Miguez, M., Marioni, M., Ortiz, M., Vogel, G., Arnaud, A. (2019). An IoT-based electronic price-tag for food retail. 2019 26th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS).

Arnaud, A., Puyol, R., Miguez, M., Gak, J. (2019). Bulk linearization techniques. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)

J. C. Sales-Ortiz, J. F. Ciprian-Sanchez, E. G. Hernandez-Martinez, E. Ferreira-Vazquez, J. Gonzalez-Sierra, G. Fernandez-Anaya, J. J. Flores-Godoy, & P. Paniagua-Contro (2019). Leader-follower Strategy based on Distance and Heading Angles using Local Vision. Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2019-Augus, 1097-1100.

Bellini, B., Becoña, J.P., Pereira, S., Vázquez, C., Arnaud, A. (2019). IoT in the agribusiness, a power consumption view. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)

Miguez, M., Deleón, R., Vicente, G., Zoppolo, R. (2019). Real Time Tree Row Volume Estimation for Efficient Application of Phytosanitary Products in Fruit Trees. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)

Gak, J., Miguez, M., Alvarez, E., Arnaud, A. (2019). Integrated ultra-low power precision rectifiers for implantable medical devices. 2019 Argentine Conference on Electronics (CAE)

Arnaud, A., Puyol, R., Chacon-Rodríguez, A., Miguez, M., Gak, J. (2019). An asymmetrical bulk-modified composite MOS transistor with enhanced linearity. 2019 IEEE 10th Latin American Symposium on Circuits & Systems (LASCAS)


Arcia, P., Curutchet, A., Costell,E., Tárrega, A. (2018). Respuesta de los consumidores uruguayos a quesos con beneficios nutricionales INNOTEC, 16 (pp. 35 – 39).

Perez, C., Tagliani, C., Arcia, P., Cozzano, S., Curutchet, A. Blueberry by-product used as an ingredient in the development of functional cookies. (2018). Food Science and Technology International. 24, 4 (pp. 301-308).

Arcia, P., Curutchet, A., Cozzano, S., Rodríguez, S. (2018). Bagazo de cervecería como ingrediente en el desarrollo de panificados. Impacto del rotulado en la intención de compra y aceptabilidad. INNOTEC, 16 (pp. 40 – 46).

Betarte, G., Giménez, E., Martínez, R., & Pardo, A. (2018, December). Improving Web application firewalls through anomaly detection. In 2018 17th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA) (pp. 779-784). IEEE.

Betarte, G., Pardo, Á., & Martínez, R. (2018, December). Web application attacks detection using machine learning techniques. In 2018 17th ieee International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (icmla) (pp. 1065-1072). IEEE.

Agis, L., Torres, F., Gak, J., Miguez, M. (2018). Integrated potentiostat for detection of Chagas disease. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 46 (12), 2299-2313

Arnaud, A., Miguez, M. (2018). Bulk linearisation of the MOS resistor. Electronics Letters 54 (19), 1106-1108

Miguez, M., Gak, J., Arnaud, A., Oliva, A., Julián, P. (2018). A current-reuse biomedical amplifier with a NEF< 1. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing 95 (2), 283-294 


Dr. Alfredo Arnaud
Director del Departamento de Ingeniería